Gentlemen's Rule. This is the first and most important rule, the rest is just a guide.Â
If you have a specific question or a concern, please speak to the referee and/or the LOVENYSOCCER representative on site.
Alternatively, you can email the league directly at
 6 or 7 a-Side
Our Outdoor games are officiated under FIFA rules with a few exceptions. For example, there are no offsides and no slide tackles in 5,6, and 7 a-side play.
Games consist of 21-25 minute halves depending upon the location.
We strive to prevent teams from bringing in ringers, which can disrupt the balance of the season. Our primary aim is to ensure that all registered and paid teams and players receive maximum playing time and are not disadvantaged by unregistered players. We want to promote playing for fun rather than solely focusing on winning.
The LOVENYSOCCER representative in attendance will have a list of official players, but we're not going to perform a roll call prior to each game - we expect teams to enter into the general spirit of the League.
Below are the general subbing and replacement rules:
If you believe the opposition are fielding illegal players, please advise the referee immediately - and "immediately" doesn't mean when you go a goal down. We will then double-check and confirm a player’s registration.
Should a team be short of players during any given week, they are allowed to bring in replacements to complement their roster. However, non-registered players are only to be brought in when rosters are severely depleted. And when we state "non-registered" we are referring to players not on your official roster. This may include outfield player(s) and/or goalkeepers.
Replacements, when required, can come from other teams within the League, or players that are not registered with LOVENYSOCCER. If the replacement is coming from outside of the League, he/she should be identified prior to kick-off.
If a team has 6-7 registered players in attendance, they are allowed to bring in additional non-registered player(s) that will bring the roster in attendance to 8 (for 6 a-side) and 9 (for 7 a-side).
If a team has 5 registered players in 6-a-side, they are allowed to bring in 1 additional non-registered player and for 7-a-side, 2 players.
If a team has 4 registered players in 6-a-side, they are allowed to bring in 2 additional non-registered players.
If a team has 4 registered players in 7-a-side, then unfortunately the game will be forfeited and the result recorded as a 3-0 loss. A scrimmage, however, will be arranged for those in attendance.
If a team has 3 or less registered players in 6 a-side, then unfortunately the game will be forfeited and the result recorded as a 3-0 loss. A scrimmage, however, will be arranged for those in attendance.